Leadership is one of the most essential aspects for the success of any organization.
Achieving the goal, cannot be the handiwork of just one individual. It is teamwork that makes it possible for leadership to achieve goals the organization has set up. The great example of working together as team such as the persons are listed below.

Masood Akhtar Khawaja
CEO - Veer Sports (PVT) Ltd.Masood Akhtar Khawaja - CEO
Masood Akhtar Khawaja started his career from a ball manufacturing company in 1980. With a background of engineering and equipped with passionate approach of out of box thinking; he started Forward in 1990. Over this 29-year period, Mr. Masood’s hard work, and integrity has lifted forward group to the halls of fame among sports goods producers in the world.
Khawaja Masood Akhtar
CEO – Veer Sports (PVT) Ltd.
CEO – Forward Sports (PVT) Ltd.
President Chamber of Commerce and Industries
Qasim Masood Khawaja – Chairman
Mr. Qasim Masood Khawaja – a passionate entrepreneur directing overall development and production at Veer Sports.
Qasim Masood Khawaja
Chairman Veer Sports (PVT) Ltd.